At Flatts Nursery School we are passionate about inclusion. We have an accessible site and excellent facilities, including a fully equipped sensory room.
We want to ensure all children reach their potential and work in partnership with parents and specialist services to support this.
We have experience of working with a wide variety of need and are here to help. We pride ourselves on being approachable. All we ask for is honesty.
Being honest about your child's needs is one of the greatest gifts you can give them, as this will help to plan provision and create next steps.
What to do if you are concerned about your child?
If your child already attends Flatts Nursery School please speak to your child's key person. They will share their understanding and then find the right person to help
If you are looking for a nursery for your child and they have additional needs or differences?
Make an appointment with the office to look around and share your concerns or explain your child has additional needs. This way we can make sure the right person is available to talk to you on your visit.
Comments from Flatts Nursery School Parents
"Communication with parents is fantastic. If i have any concerns, I know I can talk to someone straight away. If I need advice or support, I can ask without being judged." (2023)
"Flatts Nursery is an amazing nursery where every child really does matter. My non-verbal child has settled in very well all thanks to the warm, caring, supportive, accommodating staff as well as versatile spaces to cater for all your child's needs. A huge garden to explore and roam free, stimulating learning areas, spaces to relax and unwind and rooms for focused learning. My child with special needs is trying new activities daily and the smile on her face when we pick her up says it all!" (2023)
"I have always been kept informed about my child's day-to-day progress. The observations in the online journal have been useful to see how she engages in different activities in the nursery and her interactions with others. I had regular review meetings with Andi, and she was always very helpful and provided me with a lot of support. The nursery has been very accommodating to my child's needs and I will definitely recommend Flatts to other parents." (2021)
"Children with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) are well-supported. Leaders accurately identify children's needs quickly. Leaders work with parents and external agencies to plan the right support. Leaders ensure staff are trained so that they can effectively support children with SEND. Staff review children's targets regularly. As a result, children with SEND progress well."
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO) is Andi Gilroy-Sinclair (Headteacher). You can contact her at or by phoning 01924 456771
You can read our SEND report and policy by clicking the links below.
At Flatts Nursery School we are passionate about inclusion. We have an accessible site and excellent facilities, including a fully equipped sensory room.
We work closely with Kirklees Early Years Special Educational Needs Service and Locala therapy teams to meet children's needs.
Kirklees Local Offer
The Government has asked all Local Authorities in the UK to publish in one place, information about the services and provision they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special educational Needs and / or a Disability (SEND). This is known as the Local Offer.
To find out what support and services are available to you and your child in Kirklees, find the Kirklees local offer by clicking their logo below:
School SEND Information Report
At Flatts Nursery School we are committed to the equal inclusion of all our children in all areas of learning. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our children, whatever their needs and abilities. The school seeks to raise achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access to all. All children with SEND are valued, respected and equal members of school.
Click on the document link below for Flatts Nursery School SEND Information Report which gives details about the provision we make for our children with SEND.
SEND Policy
Please read our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) policy for details of how we identify children who have SEN and how we assess, plan and review their needs.