Flatts Nursery School is a Local Authority Maintained School. We have a headteacher and qualified teachers. This means we are inspected as a school under the inspection framework using the school inspection handbook.
In June 2022 Ofsted completed a section 5 inspection at Flatts Nursery School. We are proud to be judged a GOOD school.
Report Highlights
- “Flatts Nursery School is a hive of activity where children love to play and learn”
- “Children are happy and safe”
- “Leaders’ ambitious curriculum spikes children’s curiosity”
- “Children are kind and thoughtful to one another. They are respectful and use their manners with everyone they speak to”
- “Leaders develop strong relationships with families”
- “Staff plan exciting and engaging activities to help children build knowledge across areas of learning”
- “Activities in the outdoor area spark children’s imagination”
- “Children love to listen to adults read the quality books leaders have carefully chosen”
- “Children with special educational need and/or disabilities (SEND) are well-supported… as a result, children with SEND progress well”
- “Staff are proud to work at the school. They feel well-supported by the headteacher”
December 2018 - short inspection - Section 5 inspection to follow
December 2014 – full inspection
February 2012 – full inspection